What is the ideal maintenance schedule for hvac?

You can also use this opportunity to ask questions about your system and raise any other issues that need to be addressed. The same goes for an air conditioning system.

What is the ideal maintenance schedule for hvac?

You can also use this opportunity to ask questions about your system and raise any other issues that need to be addressed. The same goes for an air conditioning system. If you've invested in a newer heating or cooling unit, you'll want to make sure it works efficiently and that you're getting the most out of the money you paid for it. If your air conditioning system is reaching the end of its average lifespan of 10 to 15 years, but you have no plans to buy a newer one, it's essential that you regularly maintain your old system.

As we mentioned before, you should change your filters every 30 to 90 days. You'd be surprised how many people don't do this. A clean filter greatly improves the efficiency of your air conditioning unit. Dirty filters make your equipment work a lot harder to keep your home at the temperature you want.

Buying a new filter every month may seem expensive, but you'll recoup those costs many times over in reduced energy bills. There's no reason to keep a humidifier running in summer. When the weather starts to cool down in late summer or early fall and you're thinking of turning on the heater, install a new filter and adjust the humidifier to a humidity of around 40 percent. Then, turn on the water supply. It's a good idea to maintain your air conditioning system at least twice a year, once during the spring before the hot summer days arrive and once during the fall in anticipation of the cold winter.

A regular maintenance plan allows equipment to last longer and reduces the likelihood that you'll have to buy a new air conditioning system before getting the most out of an old one. That's why it's important to follow an annual maintenance program for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems to ensure that your home stays cool when temperatures rise. A regular maintenance plan allows your HVAC system to run smoothly and offers greater protection to your family. Not that you need to replace faulty fan blades; let the HVAC technician perform preventive maintenance, but check the blades every two months, both when moving and when stationary, for signs of damage and wear.

Keep reading for a complete air conditioning system maintenance checklist that you can use to make sure your system works when you need it most. While it's always best to leave electricity and refrigerant issues to an HVAC professional, homeowners can ensure the continuous operation of their air conditioner by performing some light maintenance tasks seasonally or as needed. Even if you have a completely new air conditioning system, an annual maintenance visit ensures that it continues to run smoothly. It's a good idea to hire an HVAC company to inspect and maintain your system every fall and spring.

If you notice a particular problem, you can tell your HVAC technician when they arrive to do preventive maintenance for spring or fall.

Becky Sphon
Becky Sphon

Infuriatingly humble beer guru. Infuriatingly humble twitter buff. Infuriatingly humble tv evangelist. Hardcore coffee practitioner. Typical bacon evangelist.